Power tools for Google Maps

Supercharge how you search, filter, tag, and track your Google saved places. Maptools layers new features on top of Google Maps so you can plan the best trips, date nights, and more!


Tag & Mark your places

Want to remember the best local spots for brunch? Just tag them.Been there recently (or a year ago)? Track that with a visit mark.


Search your lists

"Show me Austin Mexican restaurants in East Chavez rated above 4.0 that I haven’t been to recently"


Make better plans

Easily review your results by opening all in new tabs. Find the perfect spot for that important dinner.

Instant search

See results in realtime in the list and map view

Pro filters

Search by neighborhood, place type, ratings, open times, tags, when you last visited, and more

Tag places

Add tags to your saved places, like "good for brunch", "fancy dinner", "good for out of town guests"

Mark visits

Mark places when you visit, or add a mark for a past visit

Define regions

Draw regions on the map to define your own areas or neighborhoods

Review results

Open all search results in new tabs for easy sharing and making plans

Map tools

Start using better Map Tools now

Designed for power users of Google Maps who are frustrated by the lack of features, Map Tools offers a parallel experience that layers on new features we've always wanted, and you probably have too. Try it now & supercharge your map search experience!

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